


A, Feature, People


一位你不能不知道的人物,這位身兼Techno廠牌 Moon Age Recordings 老闆與日本東京知名俱樂部 Maniac Love...

A, Feature, People

Marco Bailey受邀進駐Ibiza-Space

我愛音樂(we love)日前宣布他們今年於Ibiza傳奇舞廳-Space 的駐場卡司...

A, Feature, People

Acid House的故事 Dj Pierre告訴你pt.1

芝加哥出生長大的Nathaniel Pierre Jones,人稱Dj Pierre,是位真正的電舞先鋒...

A, Feature, People

你絕不能錯過-"Funk D'void"

原名Lars Sandberg的Funk...


A, Feature, Story


youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEYIIYSTx48/youtube Robert Hood – Point Blank...

A, Feature, Story

Minimal 不是一種音樂的類型, 而是一種形容詞. by MiniJay (Bass Kitchen)

youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGkHrNj2t7E/youtube Robert Hood – Strobe Light Video ft Bruce Lee & Chuck Norris   聽...

A, Feature, People

神奇的Robert Hood創作不老秘方 by Blackbells

Robert Hood在底特律於八零年代末期便開始創作。由於他所編出來的鼓組極其獨特,因此被Jeff Mills與Mike...

A, Feature, People

推翻你對Robert Hood的所有想像-Omega!

推翻你對Robert Hood的所有想像-Omega! Fact Magazine、TimeOut同時給予四顆星超高評價! Ibiza Voice年度注目專輯!...

A, Feature, People

Thomas Jung/// 7/23@VU 夜晚的飛行_德國之聲2

7/23@VU 夜晚的飛行_德國之聲2 2230-0500 Bomb!! 這次也是繼John Selway之後,我們第二次邀請Thomas來與大家同樂。...

A, Feature, People

Introducing Mike Lambert

A dedicated musician, community organizer and educator, music has been a central focus of Mike’s life since he can remember. Hooked on...

A, Feature, People

Earworm exclusive interview with John Selway

How has it been since last year? 自去年上次碰面,至今如何呢? This has been a very different year for me actually. My wife and...

A, Feature, People

EW ANNIVERSARY PARTY 04/10 // John Selway's releases from 2009/2010

Since his appearance last year in Taiwan for Earworm, John Selway has been putting out new music relentlessly, either alone or with one of...

A, Feature, People

EW ANNIVERSARY PARTY 04/10 // Introducing Yoshi (Bass Kitchen)

BIO 中日混血的Yoshi是目前台灣備受矚目的新生代DJ之一....