
A, Event, Party


8/27親炙極簡科技教父的現場魔力,你準備好了嗎? Robert Hood相關介紹: About Robert Hood:...

A, Feature, People

推翻你對Robert Hood的所有想像-Omega!

推翻你對Robert Hood的所有想像-Omega! Fact Magazine、TimeOut同時給予四顆星超高評價! Ibiza Voice年度注目專輯!...

A, Feature, People

Thomas Jung/// 7/23@VU 夜晚的飛行_德國之聲2

7/23@VU 夜晚的飛行_德國之聲2 2230-0500 Bomb!! 這次也是繼John Selway之後,我們第二次邀請Thomas來與大家同樂。...

A, Feature, People

Introducing Mike Lambert

A dedicated musician, community organizer and educator, music has been a central focus of Mike’s life since he can remember. Hooked on...

A, Feature, People

Earworm exclusive interview with John Selway

How has it been since last year? 自去年上次碰面,至今如何呢? This has been a very different year for me actually. My wife and...

A, Event, Party

離4/10 耳朵蟲兩週年派對還有三天 你買票了嗎?

這次年度派對,我們再次邀請了紐約傳奇DJ暨製作人 John Selway來與我們共同慶祝耳朵蟲的兩歲生日 John...

A, Feature, People

EW ANNIVERSARY PARTY 04/10 // John Selway's releases from 2009/2010

Since his appearance last year in Taiwan for Earworm, John Selway has been putting out new music relentlessly, either alone or with one of...

A, Feature, People

EW ANNIVERSARY PARTY 04/10 // Introducing Yoshi (Bass Kitchen)

BIO 中日混血的Yoshi是目前台灣備受矚目的新生代DJ之一....

A, Feature, People

EW ANNIVERSARY PARTY 04/10 // Introducing… Mr. John Selway

BIO In a world of electronic-music hit and runs, John Selway is a rare beast: an innovator and originator whose current work genuinely...

A, Feature, People

CitySound: The Girls..Dj LiLi

Lili是年輕一輩DJ當中,少數的女生DJ.沉默寡言的他,偶爾會露出害羞的笑容! (但是其實相當的萌!!)...

A, Feature, People

CitySound: The Girls..Fion//目前動態顯示媽咪DJ___:D

上次聽到Fion是在China White Fion的Set在生猛有力,若不仔細去注意,很難發現是位個頭不高的女生...

A, Feature, People

CitySound: The Girls..Dj Kay//童心未泯奸笑小王子:p

lounge lounge records//Child Disco//05 Towa Tei 同台演出。...

A, Feature, People

Citysound pt.7 人物專訪:Anthany


Feature, People

Citysound :Earworm耳朵蟲2/27 JIMMY CHEN
