
Tag: room18

A, Feature, Party

信義區期間限定炸彈攻擊:The Boomer

18lover Present: The Boomer #3 (Sat 10.09.2016)...

Event, Party

Bicycle Corporation Presents【Ciao Lovers】@ROOM18

描述 Bicycle Corporation Presents Ciao Taipei vol.2 【Ciao Lovers】@ROOM18 CIAO LOVERS, the special edition of CIAO Taipei! “Ciao...

Event, Party

CLOUD No.10 @ 18 Taipei

2013/12/21. Sat. 雲端派對No.10 @ 18 Taipei 雲端科技、繽紛派對~...

Event, Party

The Gathering Vol.01 大集合Vol.01

在城市裡收集和平的訊息,在Room18 一起迎接 Love Gathering !...

Feature, Story

18 Underground專訪:台灣電音人氣天王Victor Cheng

從2008年以後,台灣人氣天王DJ Victor...

Event, Party

18 Underground vol.4

Serving the finest beats in Taipei. Dj line up: TIGER VERTIGO VICTOR CHENG @L...