炮王Deadmau5再度因為心直口快惹上是非。近日Deadmau5在Twitter因為批評Lady Gaga參與的行銷活動,而遭到其粉絲圍勦。部分瘋狂粉絲甚至在Twitter上留下死亡恐嚇。
Lady Gaga在日前參與了知名行為藝術家Marina Abramovic主導的計畫,The Abramovic Method,並協助拍攝宣傳影片。Marina Abramovic曾於行為藝術表演「凝視瑪麗娜」與Lady Gaga對望一小時,過程中Lady Gaga痛哭失聲。在影片中,Lady Gaga全裸示範The Abramovic Method,在山水之間展現此課程如何拓展藝術家的感知力。
what the actual fuck? http://t.co/P4AIqBH1UK if some idiot howls in the woods and noones around, does it make a sound? MYTH BUSTED!
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) August 8, 2013
在這條評論發表後,Deadmau5隨即收到大批來自Lady Gaga 的粉絲瘋狂攻擊。
.@deadmau5 are you fucking kidding me? At least she shows herself naturally mouse head.
— austin (@iAustinLucas) August 8, 2013
@deadmau5 you are just a shit dj that wanting five minutes of fame, using a exceptional artist like Gaga, it sees… DIE
— Little Monster (@natalistefani) August 8, 2013
wow… all these tweets telling me to kill myself. the lilttle monsters are pro suicide or something? not sure what to make of that.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) August 8, 2013