
【12/14】Attrack. presents 一週年企劃 1st Anniversary|There Is Where We Start|

Written by Event, Party

Attrack. presents One year Anniversary

【There Is Where We Start】

一週年派對;特別企劃|There Is Where We Start|

● 來自台北,一個謙卑的野心;我們在這。

An ambition that starts from a humble mind, within the goal to transform the elements of a Rave Carnival into something more sophisticated and soulful, redefining the concept of rave parties with the uniqueness of Taiwanese culture.

We are Attrack. and This Is Where We Start.

● 我們在這 This Is Where We Start






再次音樂為承、想像為軸;每個動作與氣息都將各人融為一 體。這不再是孤傲的歷程;而是共盪的激發。


● DJ line up


ZAN (Attrack.)
DIGTAL D (The House Foundation)
WANGHART (liaoliao.tw)


YAO (Attrack.)
MARCO MEI (BicycleCorporation)
A-DAO (Species Records)
INN (Agnst Asia)


地點:PIPE Live House

●● 售票資訊

預售/$400 附一杯酒 
現場/$500 附一杯酒

▶ 華娛售票 全家FamiPort / 7-11 iBon購票
http:// www.walkieticket.com/ product.aspx?P1=0000002434

請於FamiPort/ iBon點選「購票」>「展演娛樂」>「華娛售票」>「購 票」>「派對」>「Attrack。presents一 週年企劃_1st_Anniversary」即可購票。

▶ IndieVox 售票
http://www.indievox.com/ pipemusic/event-post/13873
【English Version】

一週年派對;特別企劃|There Is Where We Start|

● Starts in Taipei, We are here.

An ambition that starts from a humble mind, within the goal to transform the elements of a Rave Carnival into something more sophisticated and soulful, redefining the concept of rave parties with the uniqueness of Taiwanese culture.

We are Attrack. and This Is Where We Start.

● This Is Where We Start

In the end of 2012, there’s a humble ambition born in the shadow of the city. Once it’s nothing but paltriness.

Finally we revealed the imagination of Flâneur; we started the seeking of taxis. But somehow we were once as same as those who chased with others.

Today, there aren’t too many things to tell, there aren’t too many elaborations to describe. 
This time, it’s all about… 
How we see, how we hear and how we foresee.

Those memories that we’re gonna share are changing into the prologue of something we’ve never known. 


Again, we’re going to seek deeper into ourself. By constructing the music and imaginations, we are no longer alone. Every breathe we take and every move we act, shall all become the One.

This won’t be a journey of diversity; 
this shall be the diversity of inspiration.

We are Attrack, and This Is Where We Start.

● DJ line up


ZAN (Attrack.)
DIGTAL D (The House Foundation)
WANGHART (liaoliao.tw)


YAO (Attrack.)
MARCO MEI (BicycleCorporation)
A-DAO (Species Records)
INN (Agnst Asia)


Venue: PIPE live Music
ADD: No. 1, Si Yuan St., Jhongjheng District, Taipei
TEL: (02)2364-8198
Date: 2013/12/14 (SAT)
TIme: 17:00pm-4:00am

●● Ticket 

Advance/$400 with one drink
At Door/$500 with one drink

Tickets available at Walkieticket.com and FamiPort/iBon/IndieVox.

http:// www.walkieticket.com/ product.aspx?P1=0000002434

▶IndieVox Ticket
http://www.indievox.com/ pipemusic/event-post/13873
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我們要以創新手法重新打造既有素材、推動更具思想意向活 動的行動野心。要從文化重新詮釋加以結合在地文化推廣,  呈現出一個打破既有守舊籬牆; 並且橫跨電子音樂派對、創意市集、表演藝術以及互動裝置 領域的新意象派對嘉年華。

我們要讓更多人理解新意象的派對-絕對不單單是商業性的 販賣、更要提供表演 者、藝術與觀眾三方不一樣的展演空間;讓派對不在只是派 對,而是一項藝文性活動。

愛、和平、連結、尊重 我們相信在未來, 這可以作為群眾對「派對」更好印象的註腳。

我們是Attrack. 一個發起自台北的理念; 一種催生文化新的詮釋。


臉書粉絲專頁|https://www.facebook.com/ Attrack.Production


「Attrack.」is formed by the words Attack and Attract, and are the core principles of our organization. We seek to ‘Attract’ and ‘Attack’ the public with the finest and most original electronic music ever created.

Our goal with「Attrack」is to transform the elements of a Rave Carnival into something more sophisticated and soulful, redefining the concept of rave parties with the uniqueness of Taiwanese culture. Intertwining electronic music, designer markets, light shows, and interactive installations to create a contemporary party carnival you have never seen before.

Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect are the raver’s manifesto, and the ideals we want to promote. A true rave party should be filled with joy, bliss, serenity, and its participants united in the pureness of the music.

We are「Attrack.」. Dedicated to the revival of Rave, right here in Taipei.

Official Website|http://attrack.org/

Fanpage|https://www.facebook.com/ Attrack.Production

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